This month Natalie also took her first airplane ride with Nana, Papa, Brian, and Tracy to California for a family wedding. I wasn't so sure how she would travel, but true to her nature she was just a trouper. She did well on the plane and totally took all the sight seeing in stride. As soon as we got back to MN she TOTALLY surprised us and popped her first tooth!! This was shocking to me because Myles and Ty didn't get their first tooth until almost 12 months AND she wasn't even fussy!! I had NO IDEA. The second one just popped through yesterday as well. This one seemed to bother her a bit more, but nothing severe. Seriously people, this little girl rocks.
8 Month Stats! (Not too much has changed since last month on the stats).
Weight -14.9 lbs (up 2 OUNCES....What can you do?)
Diaper Size - 2 (Still)
Clothing Size - 3-6 Month (Still)
Sleeping - Bed at 9:00 pm and wake around 8:00am
Naps- One nap from 10:30-11 and a second from 2-4
We are continuing to do monthly Dr. visits to check her weight. The doctor did reassure me he doesn't think she has an kind of disorder but would want to check with an allergist if her weight were to drop. I think she will gain weight when she's suppose to and I'm not going to worry about it anymore. She's just our bitty girl.
This picture isn't so hot, but it counts as her monthly pic. I LOVED some of the ones from Cali so I wasn't too worked up about it.
This was on top of a wine barrell at a vineyard in Napa Valley. She may be a wino like her Daddy and Nana. Look how happy she is!
These were the table decorations at my cousin Matthew's wedding. I think she was the perfect centerpiece.
She is so sweet! I love the wine picture.