There is never a dull moment in the Mitchell house. I hope you enjoy the ride. We sure do!!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Big Boy!!

Happy Birthday to my sweet Ty Ty!! Today Ty turned TWO! My how fast these two years have gone. I feel like now that Natalie is here he's grown even faster than normal. Maybe that's just my imagination, but his speech has improved so much, he understands pretty much everything that I tell him, he's playing with Myles a lot better, and he just looks bigger! Ty has developed such a personality and I have to say that I'm going to have a very difficult time saying no to him. Ty learned early from his daddy to use his eyes to get what he wants. If I ever get upset with Ty and try to tell him not to do something he answers with the typical "why" that most kids do at this age, but he also adds in a head tilt and smile making him look SO much more innocent than he really is. He has also taken on the task of reprimanding Myles if he thinks he needs it. He will often say "Myles sassing. Go to time out". Usually he's right too. :-) Then if he sees me looking at him as he is telling Myles this he just starts laughing. My biggest hope is that he will use all this charm for good and not evil. Only time will tell I guess.
Some current stats on Ty.....
Favorite Food: Yogurt and anything with pasta sauce
Sleep schedule: Early to bed and early to rise. Goes to bed at about 8:30 and is up by 7 am
Favorite Game: Taking toys from Myles and running away.
Favorite Tv Shows: Shaun the Sheep and Curios George
Loves to sleep with his blanket and bunny at night.
Greets his daddy when he gets home from work by yelling "Daddy" and running into his arms...Every day.
Rocks the spiked hair like no other little boy I have seen.
Is great at yelling at the cat to stay out of the house. ( I am quite proud of him for this one).
Has become quite fond of his little sister.
Can work an Ipad better than most adults.
Has a stubbornness to him that makes me smile. I am thinking he will not be a pushover when he gets older and I like that. 
He is going to grow up and make me proud for sure!!!
Here are some pictures from the last year. I was going to try to limit the amount to my "favorites" and I'm pretty sure I have way too many favorites so I'm just posting them all.

2 years ago we were anxiously waiting to meet our little man.

A FAVORITE spot for Ty. Getting dirty in the sandbox.
Your 1 year old picutres

Just before you got your tubes.
Chilling with Great Grandma Maynard.
We LOVE when Nana and Papa come and we LOVE that they are still young enough to play with us
the way we like to play!
This is how we do it in Kentucky

Some days things just don't go our way. Wish it hadn't been on Eric and Sara's wedding day, but what is a mom to do?

Showing Kade around.
Is there something on my face?
Playing on a hot summer day! SO much fun!
Hanging with Papa on the farm. What more could a little boy ask for?

Boys will be Boys...Good thing they are washable
Happy 4th of July!
When the Bean came to town.
Boys and their toys.
Oh No!
Ty and his girl Lauren.
Looking like Willy from "Swamp People".
Nana and Papa are still smiling even after 5 days of taking care of the crazy boys.
Daddy Love
Those are the eyes I am talking about.
Mommy's Supermen!
My Sweet Ty Ty
Seeing the circus for the first time.
Unfortunately with your height, or lack of, hoops may not be in your future.
A visit from the Shaws!!!
Loving our afternoons at John's pool.
Driving the Kubota like a pro.
Trying to break free. THIS is why we have locks on the top of the door.
Chatting with his sister before he knew she was his sister.

Tree climbing is just what boys any age.
The Mitchell Boys
Sleeping in a big boy bed.
Brotherly Love
Mama and her boys.
Showing off our new Big Boy haircut.
Big Brothers!
Having fun with the coolest Nana in the world.
Such a helper.
Halloween Time!

Ty the Lion
Zins Grandkids
Brian and Tracy's wedding!
Such a good looking date!
So cute I could eat him up!
Going to work with daddy.
Santa never had such cute reindeer!
Wearing a shirt that was aunt Jenny's. It is from Great Grandpa Maynard who worked for Grove Cranes.

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