There is never a dull moment in the Mitchell house. I hope you enjoy the ride. We sure do!!!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ty's Little Party

We had a little party for Ty right before we left for MN. I thought it would have some fun and put a candle in his waffle for breakfast, but as you can see he was not so happy about it.
When Nat got home we had cupcakes and opened a present. As you can see, the cupcakes were my least creative cupcakes ever made. With our trip home though, I just didn't have the energy to do a crazy cake this year. I hope he will forgive me. He started out not so happy with the candle again and just wasn't having it until we sang the birthday song.
One chance to blow the candles out though and he was HOOKED!! He did exactly what Myles did on his second birthday (minus the crying when we sang), he kept asking us to relight them so he could blow them out over and over again. Nat was a good dad and let him blow them out until he had no air left.

One happy boy ready to eat some cake. After taking his first bite he realized that he was getting dirty from the cake so he improvised.
He figured this was a better way to eat the cupcake and not get dirty. Quite clever if you ask me.

We ended the night with a Curious George episode and this is what he looked like after he came off the sugar high.....Looks like a good way to end the night!

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