There is never a dull moment in the Mitchell house. I hope you enjoy the ride. We sure do!!!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Pregnancy Pics

Here are some pictures documenting my pregnancy....Thanks to the idea from my friend, Lindsy, I added my 3 little monkeys to the pictures so I could see how much they changed during the pregnancy as well. AND it's always good comic relief trying to get all three of them to stand still for a picture AND all look at the camera at the same time.

19 Weeks

25 Weeks

30 Weeks

35 Weeks 
39.5 Weeks and heading to the hospital!! 
The end of this chapter and on to another one!!!(Chapter that is...NOT child!!)


  1. Love you and your sillies! P.S. What'd be so wrong with another Mitchell??? Bring on the 15 passenger van! Just think, between the two of us, we'd have all the excitement any birthday party could provide. :)

  2. Love the pics with the kids! Cute idea. And you are so beautiful pregnant!! You could totally have another. :)

  3. Why are you the cutest pregnant woman known to man? Not fair! Kind of makes me want to go for round four, but then...maybe not ;)
