There is never a dull moment in the Mitchell house. I hope you enjoy the ride. We sure do!!!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

KY Weather

This winter has sure been a crazy one, not just for Kentucky, but for everyone. I am hearing of temps in MN that I have never heard of for March and April. We've been trying to go with the flow of this unpredictable weather by having every kind of clothing in our closet at one time. One day we may be in a sweater and the next we may be in shorts. Our goal is just to get as much outside time as possible no matter what it takes. Here's a look at the last month of weather for us.....
Being silly for the camera.

Poor Ty will NEVER live this picture down. I laugh out loud EVERY SINGLE TIME I SEE IT. Little man insisted on the bike helmet so I gave it to him. This WILL be enlarged and put up at his high school graduation, I assure you!
I can TOTALLY picture Ty owning a motorcycle some day....
After the nice little warm front we got the tornadoes that swept through our region. Because we don't have a basement storms have me a little more cautious that I use to be. Nat is still not fazed by them, but I REFUSE to be the parent who lets her kids get hurt because she didn't take the storms seriously. Luckily our awesome neighbors, the ones with the frogs :-), totally invited us over to ride the storm out in their basement. We just put a Curious George on the IPad, ate snacks, and chatted while we waited it out. Luckily, we did not get any damage from the storms.
Surviving our first real KY tornado. Thank goodness for wonderful neighbors.
After the tornadoes, we had...SNOW! We got the most snow we have had all winter and they weather had predicted just a dusting! About 4 inches fell and Myles was in HEAVEN!!! That boy could not have been more excited had it been Christmas. After inhaling their breakfast I got them  both ready to head out in the gorgeous snow. My sister and I were chatting and we said the goal for Ty was to have him outside at least as long as it took me to get him dressed. We did succeed at that....not by much, but I will count it as a victory!! I think the only reason he lasted as long as he did was because he walked all the way to the back of the yard and then had to walk all the way to the front and that took longer than he had planned with the amount of snow and his little, short legs. Myles was out there for as long as he could stand it. He was rosy cheeked and HAPPY by the time he got in.
All bundled up and ready for some fun! Ty always thinks he is going to love the snow as much as Myles does but that just isn't the case.
All dressed and playing in the snow before 8:30 a.m.!!! Gotta love how efficient they are when they want something.
I love the little footprints through the fresh snow.
All the while, this one is just getting started.
 Here is our family snowman named Farfanooggen. We had a blast making him together. 

Then only a short time later, we were in short sleeves and actually feeling a bit hot while playing outside. Gotta love the KY weather!!

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