There is never a dull moment in the Mitchell house. I hope you enjoy the ride. We sure do!!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Our sweet baby girl is 6 months old!! It just amazes me how time flies. INSANE!! We've made some great progress this month. Staying in one place is now a thing of the past. Natalie is not a perfect crawler yet, but she knows how to get where she wants with a combination of rolling and pulling herself along the floor. The funny thing is the first place she goes to when I put her on the carpet is on the hard floor and straight to the vent in the floor. Probably the most uncomfortable place to be, but she goes straight for it. Another new adventure this month is rice cereal. She isn't a huge fan of it yet, but at least she isn't gagging herself like Ty did.  Her sleeping is a bit off lately, but I think her cold has had a bit to do with it. I am still amazed at how "quiet" she is compared to other babies. Either she takes after her dad OR she knows there's enough noise in our house already and she doesn't feel the need to add to it.:-) One thing that hasn't changed is how much her brothers adore her. Ty even runs over and gives her unsolicited kisses whenever he sees me holding her. LOVE IT!!!

Weight -14 lbs
Diaper Size - 2
Clothing Size - 3-6 Month
Sleeping - Bed at 9:30 pm and wake around 9:00am
Naps- One nap from 10:30-11 and a second from 2-4

HMMMM I wonder when she is going to stop taking these pictures...

 Really mom?? Really?? THIS is what I'm suppose to eat?
GREAT action shot!!
 Her new favorite toy...A helium balloon! (No worries..I don't just give my kids latex balloons and walk away. I give them a scissors too. :-)

Still can't believe how blessed I am to have be given this sweet family. SOOO lucky God does not give us what we "deserve" because I am CERTAIN I do not deserve all this!!

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