There is never a dull moment in the Mitchell house. I hope you enjoy the ride. We sure do!!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Myles and Ty are officially roommates. It has been about 3 weeks and I have to laugh because it SEEMS that they have seriously bonded more now that they are sharing a room. They still fight, but I can see them being silly with each other more which has never happened before. We have had many nights already where I hear them giggling and I will go in there and they both drop in their beds and try to act like nothing was going on. Makes me laugh that they even know that that is what they should do. One night I came in to find Myles had turned the lamp on and was reading a book to Ty. LOVE IT!!! 11 pm was the latest they stayed up being silly and I truly didn't mind it a bit. I was happy they were happy together. That is what naps are for right?  Nat and I have also started reading to both of them at the same time and then just having them go to bed at the same time. We had been each taking one and reading to them or trying to put Ty down first and then quietly bring Myles in 15 minutes later. This is so much more fun because it is a family activity AND it takes so much less time and is less stressful. I am hoping tonight goes as well. One issue I was worried about was when Ty gets up he is up and he is ready to get out of bed. Myles on the other hand would sleep until 9 am every day if I let him. I was worried Ty would wake him up too early and he would be a beast. It has actually been the exact opposite. Ty wakes up and yells "Mama" in his gruff old man voice and by the time I go get him Myles is awake and ready to get up too. If I try to wake Myles up there is ALWAYS bribing going on in order for me to get him out of bed. So Ty is now Myles' new alarm clock. This morning Myles actually got up BEFORE Ty did which really has only happened about 4 times. He came out in the kitchen and said, "I even beat Tyler at getting up today". He was so proud of himself. Nothing like a little competition right away in the morning. :-)
Ty is no longer a baby. The best part of this bed that my parents gave us is that it really is a crib just with a twin sized mattress. He hasn't figured out how to climb out yet and I am hoping he never does. :-)
Getting ready for family reading time.
 This is the brotherly love I was talking about. The quality of the pictures is terrible because I was so shocked they were hugging I just fumbled trying to get ONE picture of it. (BTW that adorable hat Myles is wearing was made by my sister-in-law Amanda.

I love watching them grow closer and reaching an age when they play together!! Pretty sure we are the luckiest parents EVER!!!


  1. That is so awesome! I love the stars on the wall in their room. Are they painted? Glad to hear the boys are both doing well. How's the little Miss (and Mommy & Daddy)?

  2. Yes they are painted. I took a star pattern and traced it in the wall and then put painters tape on to I could just paint it quickly. The tape really wasn't necessary, but lesson learned. :-)
    Everyone is doing great here, but I TOTALLY forgot how sleep deprived you really are with a newborn and then you add in chasing the boys around. I don't think I have ever been this tired...EVER! SOOOOO worth every bit of it though. Getting so excited to meet baby stegosaurus.
