There is never a dull moment in the Mitchell house. I hope you enjoy the ride. We sure do!!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Frogging Day 2

After the major meltdown and broken heart the first day we let the frogs go I decided we would get some more frogs from the pool today with the understanding that we were going to let them go and they would eventually jump away. Once we had that understanding we headed back to the neighbor's pool and scooped up THIRTEEN MORE frogs. I will say that these ones were MUCH smarter and harder to catch. They obviously got the memo about the crazy lady with 2 boys who may look nice, but will remove you from the pool and proceed to baptize you. We were able to catch all the frogs that were in the pool at that time, but since then they keep coming back even though the neighbors have been adding chemicals and all sorts of tricks to keep them out. This is just one more reason this mama is happy THEY have the pool and we don't. (I will probably be super jealous when it's 100 degrees out and they are chillin by the pool, but I am hoping our attempt to help with the frogs will get us at least 1 invite to the pool).

Ty looks like the Frog Ranger. He's in charge and means business.
Day 2 and we have another bucket full!
A little action shot.
We decided that we would let them go in the backyard and just watch them instead of taking them to the pond.

I was really impressed with how brave Myles was with the frogs. He even decided he was going to try to catch one on his own.

I LOVE these pictures. He was trying to hard to catch them, but each time they jumped right as he was about to do it he would laugh his little heart out. SOOOOO much fun. We could have played out there for hours.

Ty on the other hand had NO desire to touch them, but was kind enough to offer them his pretzels.
Myles was trying so hard to teach him how to catch them.
So close!!!
My little frogger
And that's how we do it in Kentucky!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics Laura! The boys will remember that FOREVER too! I still remember when Rosie and I caught a bunch in our backyard by the pond when I was like 6 or 7 years old. :-)

