There is never a dull moment in the Mitchell house. I hope you enjoy the ride. We sure do!!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012


How can one person bring so much sanity during so much chaos?  My sweet Adrienne is that person. During an EXTREME lapse in judgement I decided it would be a good idea to say yes to taking care of baby "Sophie" for 10 days FULL time for our friends while they were on vacation. Although we LOVE baby Sophie and were very happy we could help our friends out, I have since been reminded that I am NOT superwoman. We also learned that we will NOT be accepting a newborn foster child any time soon. On a super positive note though, Nat learned that, in his words, "I was wrong, I can TOTALLY see  how you can love someone else's child like your own".  It was a great moment for us as we are patiently waiting for our first foster care placement.  I DIGRESS....During our time with baby Sophie, Adrienne came down with her little crew. It seems like adding 3 more people to the chaos would be counterproductive, but it was a LIFESAVER!!! I honestly don't know what I would have done without her. The heat was getting pretty brutal when they were here, but we managed to have an absolute BLAST as always. I am already counting down the days until our next visit!!
 Ty and Lauren were experts at feeding the ducks at the park.

 The big boys were conquering the jungle gym like pros!
 My teeny girl was having as much fun as the big kids.
Can't believe we got all 5 of them sitting still and almost looking at the camera at once.
They obviously wanted to be anywhere but sitting still for a photo op. :-)
 This was the response I got from Ty when I asked him to smile for a picture. Nice Ty...
 The Gator was driven every day until the battery was done and then we plugged it in and got it back out as soon as it was charged. It was cute because the kids would literally just rotate through each spot. One kids drove and one rode. When their turn was done, the driver hopped off and the passenger got to drive and a new kid jumped on.

 Natalie was trying out her new wheels. Our neighbors gave us this Princess bike that their granddaughter has grown out of. It's the first "Princess" themed item we have, but I am pretty sure it isn't the last.:-)
 Landin and Adrienne.
 My sweet Lauren
 Natalie got to experience her first baby pool to beat the heat. She was quite obviously excited. There was very little planning so she's just in her shirt, but she was just fine with that .:-)
 Does someone need a chew toy?

 Fun in the sun!
 Natalie was showing off the new tricks she has learned. She's a mover!


  1. Awww...Adrienne - I've missed her so it was nice to see her face, hope she is well. Thank God for good friends, right? It's amazing how much just having another adult around during our daily routine can lift our spirits. My Mom came up to help me out last week and it wasn't until she left that I realized how lonely I was. I'm really looking forward to getting plugged into a MOPS group this fall because I know it will be a blessing. The pictures are all so sweet - Ty is such a DOLL! Hope you're doing well friend!

  2. You know sister, we are all missing you here in Kentucky. Maybe you should consider coming back. :-) Seriously though, I don't know what I'd do without Adrienne. She is my sanity on SO many days!!
